Project name:
Industrial research of lifetime assessment and knowledge database of buildings
Place of Execution:
JUNOZ, s.r.o., J. Kollára 36, 934 05 Levice
JUNOZ, s.r.o.
Commencement of the project:
24 January 2013
Termination of the project:
20 December 2015
The sum of the contribution provided:
93 714,18 €
The project has contributed to the development of industrial research and innovations in the field of safety of civil structures with the use of modern technologies. The research was focused on the development of evaluation methods for monitoring lifetimes of civil structures with applying a combination of experimental monitoring of specific conditions in laboratories with the in-situ monitoring and the development of database tools. At the same time, it has supported acquiring new businesses for the company.
The industrial research has been focused on innovations of the evaluation of civil structures with the aim of applied research and innovations in the community. Recipients of the project benefits include members of the community in the field of civil structures, operators of industrial buildings, supervisory bodies, and self-governing regions. The research resulted in increased safety of industrial civil structures such as power plants (nuclear, thermal, and hydro ones), water works (dams and barrages), production operations, and other industrial structures with inspections required during their service lifetimes aimed at protecting property and citizens of the SR.
Results of the project will be used in the form of applying the industrial research in civil structures. Here the project was aimed at performing examinations of specific buildings. Later the data on conditions of the buildings will have to be collected, archived, and evaluated. Therefore it was necessary to define a central database. The role of the databases was to concentrate, analyse, and evaluate data and to submit conclusions of the further proceeding.
Sustainability of the project is resulting from applicability of the project results at other businesses, where the database tools developed within the project will be implemented in order to evaluate safety of industrial civil structures as well as the new technology of technological diagnostics with the maximum use of monitoring systems. Achieved specializations of employees participating on the research project significantly contribute to sustainability of the project results.
Specific research objectives:
• Develop a methodology of permanent lifetime spending evaluation using a database system designed for this purpose with the maximum use of monitoring systems
• Define optimal methods of increasing safety of industrial civil structures using modern technologies of technological diagnostics. Analyse the current monitoring system from the aspect of their safe conditions and extend the systems of the latest knowledge in the field of the ageing process diagnostics
• Develop tools for safety evaluation. Specify input and output data and criteria for evaluating lifetimes of safety-relevant civil parts.